Consider that which exists & which not & recognize things just as they are
Consider that which exists & which not & recognize things just as they are
05.09.2013 22:50
Perse9ve9rance…En lisant cet exitrat de notes de retraite de de9cembre 1814, me revient ce ab cate9chisme de perse9ve9rance bb auxquels les jeunes de mon e9poque e9taient tenus pendant les deux ans suivant la ab communion solennelle bb faite e0 12 ans.Dans le ab Dictionnaire des Valeurs Oblates bb, on peut lire : ab Le vœu de perse9ve9rance est un vœu public par lequel l’Oblat s’engage e0 prendre part e0 l’e9volution de la communaute9 et de la mission. bbQui mieux qu’Euge8ne de Mazenod est habilite9 pour introduire un quatrie8me vœu dans sa Congre9gation, non seulement de par sa fonction de Supe9rieur ge9ne9ral mais aussi – et surtout – pour l’avoir pratique9e lui-meame de fae7on non e9quivoque ? Opinie2trete9 et innovation sont en effet des facteurs bien pre9sents dans sa vie. Il suffit pour s’en convaincre de se re9fe9rer e0 la manie8re dont il compte suivre la ab grande maxime bb qu’il vient de se donner au cours de sa retraite de de9cembre. ab …Quand je me serai servi de tous les moyens que la foi et mon esprit et ma position me fournissent bb e9crit-il ab ce sera le temps de ab rentrer au plus tf4t dans mon inte9rieur… bb …Et le2cher-prise.Oui, c’est alors le temps de ce le2cher-prise auquel il est parfois si difficile de se re9soudre. Comme e0 un saint Ignace, suffisait-il e0 Euge8ne d’un ab quart d’heure d’oraison bb pour ab se consoler bb de ce qui ne marchait pas toujours selon ses de9sirs ? Ce dont on ne peut douter c’est qu’il retrouvait ab cette paix pre9cieuse qui est le plus grand des biens bb puisqu’il a continue9, parfois e0 travers bien des obstacles, e0 travailler e0 ce Re8gne de Dieu qui lui est si cher.Et nous, comment vivons-nous ces contrarie9te9s auquel nul ne peut e9chapper ? Pour ma part, ce n’est jamais de gaiete9 de cœur. En ge9ne9ral, ce n’est qu’apre8s avoir pris une certaine distance face e0 l’e9ve9nement qu’il me devient possible de souhaiter en toute since9rite9 que soit faite ab la volonte9 de Dieu bb. [url=]susfmzp[/url] [link=]yhnjsq[/link]
25.08.2013 20:14
That's a slick answer to a chelnalging question [url=]upehmskoel[/url] [link=]xqrvxwfqxq[/link]
25.08.2013 19:38
Obviously it is, it is just an example. there is a lot more to doing this. Like maitnaining the session with a cookie indicating the user is logged in etc Also, you would have to do this over https because otherwise passwords would be sent in clear text. The database validation is not the hard part, it is session management. If you want to hash the pass, make it md5 or SHA1. both are built into php. But if you want to make it secure, you need some more php knowledge that I cannot provide in this spaceprofessional developer [url=]qjobbb[/url] [link=]zownitszq[/link]
24.08.2013 05:28
FOUND PUPPIES- 18th and Arizona Avenue. 2 butterscotch <a href="">coeorld</a> pit bulls, boy and girl- about 5 pounds each. I don't really know how old they are, but they are old enough to eat hard food. I have taken then home to 4th and 20th. Call 975-6849: Carrie, if you are missing them.
24.08.2013 04:52
Hi, we have a client who is <a href="">trinyg</a> out this plugin on our Windows 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 hosting. The plugin seems to render incorrectly and not allow them to setup a survey. The problems appear in the WPSS setup. The Field names (of which there are 2) are repeated about 100 times down the page, this is also the case with the Questions and Scoring ranges. The plugin works fine on the local website which is on WAMP. Both are running the same versions.The plugin version is 2.2.9 and WP v3.4.2.Any help would be appreciated.
20.08.2013 11:26
Bringing this thread here from aohnter topic. Love the plugin and your support so far. I have several display issues: Table or containers with background color and borders showing behind survey container. CSS conflict with theme?Progress bar works, except progress shows below bar. JQuery issue?Now that I have upgraded to extended, text for survey questions themselves is no longer the right larger size and style like on comment boxes. CSS conflict again??? Would appreciate help fixing as many as you are willing. Password: [censored]If you can delete this comment or our url so it is not public, we would be grateful.THANK YOU!!!
20.08.2013 05:47
Hey Emily,Looking at that page source line 144, you can see that your WordPress iaitnllatson is wrapping an HTML <code> tag around the plugin output.This should not be happening and is the source of the problem. A standard WordPress install on a modern LAMP server will not do this. You may have some other shortcode plugin or part of your theme that is breaking the output. Activate the default theme and see if it is still doing it. If not then there is a problem with the theme. Otherwise, deactivate plugins until you find the culprit and we can go from there. You can also try going to the page in the WordPress admin, and using the HTML editor, add div tags around the shorcode, for example:<div>[wordpress-simple-survey-1]</div>
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